About Me – Why Review Brandon Broadwater

About Me – Why Review Brandon Broadwater


I imagine I’m a lot like you.  I assume you’ve got dreams and aspirations just like me.  You’ve probably had your fair share of ups and downs in life.  Among the storms that make me want to split in half, I really seek to enjoy the amazing moments in life.  Most of all I love capturing those moments.  I love filming and it’s taught me a lot about life.


Capture and replaying those moments is fulfilling to me. If I do something to help someone smile or laugh in a day it’s been a success.   I’ll be honest.  I love anything self-help related, but I balance it out.  I don’t let it consume my life so much that I don’t take time to enjoy what’s in front of me right now.


Why go through all the effort to create a website?

First question – Have you ever used a review site before?

If you cruise the internet as much as I do (sometimes to a fault), you’ll understand it’s not uncommon for individuals or businesses to create review sites for something they believe in.  Whether profit, non-profit, or just because they love it.  Yelp, Trip Advisor, Better Business Bureau, you name it.  I’ve relied on reviews from people I’ve never met, but their honest opinion made all the difference.

Truth be told – I never used to give feedback or review anything, let alone create a website (I never even knew how).  I casually thought those “Give us feedback!” forms were never worth my time – even if I got free food in the process.

But after becoming an entrepreneur, I learned feedback and reviews are critical.  You shrivel up and die without it.  They can come as small as a bite-size twitter post or a deadly YouTube video.

I started a habit of writing a review for any business I could (Best Western, Subway, Staples, you name it).  I know that most businesses want to improve the value they provide.  I never expect a kick-back, but my own belief is that as I give, I’m opening doors to receive.  The same is true here.  Higher Laws has given me more empowerment than my ticket cost was ever worth.  I know there are people who will consider to attend a Higher Laws event.  I’m not expecting a cheque in the mail or “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”  I think it’s awesome to have a valid review you can rely on.  I rely on them.

Why a website about Higher Laws?

I agree with one thing Brandon Broadwater says,

“One of the greatest gifts we can give – is the gift of knowledge.”

As I mentioned earlier, I attended his event, but I went just beyond listening.  I implemented it, and watched the results being to shift.  It’s a special feeling to know that in any given crazy or crappy circumstances, I can choose who I’m going to be and what I’m going to do.  I’ve had family member that’ve made incredibly poor decisions.  Maybe you’ve had a moment where you thought to yourself, “I never want to repeat what this person did.”

To keep it simple, my hope is that this can be a helpful review guide post to anyone who wants to learn more, get valuable information, make an informed choice, and move on.  Whether they end up doing anything Higher Laws related doesn’t really matter to me.  It’s not for everyone, and not everyone wants it.  But for me, it remains a gift I’ll always cherish.  And this site is my gift to you.  Enjoy the Review!

Location of Brandon Broadwater and Higher Laws: Utah, USA.