**Hey my name is Mitch and my intent for sharing this is to help other people understand the events, training, company, and message of Master Your Power Within. Recently some people asked me why I’m so involved and enthusiastic about Master Your Power Within™. If you are not familiar with Higher Laws or Master Your Power Within be sure to read this article. I will reference the 3-Day event formerly referred to as “The Answer to Everything.”
Answering the above question is my purpose in this post.
How to get the most out of Master Your Power Within or additional training:
Understand that the Master Your Power Within events and training will change your life IF you let it. Meaning that you will get out of this event what you put into it.
Which leads me to my next point.
When I first attended the events I was asking myself questions like “Do I already know this principle or idea?” As a result, I had poor results. I could have been learning and growing instead of having a mental ego match with Brandon.
Instead, there was a question that I started to ask myself that made all the difference. This question can make or break not just your experience at the events but in your approach to life. The question is simply this, “Am I already living/doing/implementing this?’
Knowing vs. Doing
That is one of the primary challenges in life, isn’t it? To bridge the gap between what we intellectually know and what we actually do? I have found that if I don’t actually live what I know, there is little benefit to knowing. It is in the execution that we get results… not merely the acquisition of knowledge.
Basically, I was not teachable. I was thinking things like, “This personal development stuff is cheesy, I am not going to take this too seriously” or “I don’t want to look foolish by listening/doing this thing.”
I felt like I was smarter than the process. While others enjoyed the upbeat music, occasional dancing, and some intense trust exercises. I was that person who was too cool to do that stuff. What I quickly found was that I was getting in my own way, I was inhibiting my results by not being willing to learn, be taught, and play full out as far as participation goes. I had to step outside my comfort zone during the event. I had to fully participate.
If you are planning to attend an event, be ready to get out of some mental ruts. If you have some mental/emotional baggage hanging on, be ready to get rid of it at the event. Be ready to step outside those comfort zones. Be willing to play full out and fully participate.
Upstanding people
Here is what I have come to learn over the years of attending the events and doing business with Brandon Broadwater and his companies. Brandon Broadwater and his team at Master Your Power Within are upstanding people. Their company is legit, and I fully trust them. I’d heard some bad reviews of their company before attending my first event. So I went in very leery, even though I had done business with Brandon while I sold cars at a dealership (more on this in a second).
They are not selling a get rich quick programs, nor are they selling “Priestcraft”, and it is certainly not a Pyramid Scheme.
Brandon and his company have pure intent. I trust them, so much so, that I have spent tens of thousands of dollars with their company to further my education in order that I can achieve greater results in my life.
The 1st Time I Met Brandon Broadwater, this is what happened
(Here is my quick story of personal interactions with Brandon. He came to the dealership looking to buy a Corvette. I spent a lot of time with him trying to get him exactly what he wanted, we were going to order him one, unfortunately, we could not get it before the end of the year.
He, however, needed to buy before the end of the year for tax reasons. So he had to go and buy a corvette elsewhere.
After getting the car from a different dealership in another state he came back to the dealership I worked at and asked me how much of a commission I would have made on that Corvette sale. I told him the amount, and he paid me what I would have made on his sale. I have never had a customer do that before! Also, he let me drive his corvette, really drive it, put it through its paces and take it up to triple digit speeds, if that’s not cool, I don’t know what is.)
The weird part
Here is something that I thought was odd. During and after the event I have talked with people who are put off by some of the additional training packages that are offered at the event. These attendees seemed to be offended that a training company would offer them opportunities to add value to their lives through the opportunity to invest in additional training.
If choosing to buy additional training is not a good fit for you, then that is fine, not everyone is a fit. And please understand that the opportunity to invest in additional training should not come as a shock.
I would like to share with you what purchasing that additional training has helped me to do.
It has expanded my vision of what I could accomplish, and in the years since I went to my first event, I have seen dramatic changes in my life for the better.
I realized that I needed to change my financial and business game plan, it helped me expand my vision to where I now own my own business and achieved a 6-Figure income in my first full year of doing business.
These events have bettered and strengthened my relationships.
These events have helped me come to know myself and God better.
Attending Master Your Power Within and the other events has literally changed my life!
I hope that some of these points are helpful. I know that attending the events, being a member of the Inner Circle’s, and Aligning to Higher Laws has helped me immensely in my life, and if you feel like it may be a good fit for you, I would love to see you at an event.